Socks O'Sand: Johnny Football Losing his Coach to USC?

Johnny Football Losing his Coach to USC?
Well it looks like Lane Kiffin really ate the shit burger this time. USC was never a good fit for Kiffin; he just wasn't right for the California environment. It was only a matter a time before they replaced him. I know every asshole with ESPN has an opinion about what went wrong, but if you boil it all down really it comes down to the fact that Kiffin wasn't a USC type Coach.
Kiffin getting the hard ax service bodes the question: Who will be the new head coach at USC?
Watch out Johnny Football because Texas A&M Head Coach Kevin Sumlin would be USC's dream coach. If I were USC, I would go out and offer Sumlin anything he wanted to get him to the golden clean beaches of Venice haha. Sumlin is a MONSTER! His offense at Oklahoma averaged 44 points a game, as the head coach at Houston he went 12-0, and then upon his arrival at A&M, named a freshman quarterback, yup Johnny the Giant, and went 11-2 in arguably the toughest league in NCAA Football (SEC Fans would say it isn't much of an argument.) Sumlin has developed an offensive demon on par with Oregon's Chipper, that screams Trojan Football.
USC Football is not the east coast dig in the trenches grind 'em out football; USC Football is high flying California here comes the fucking attack air raid football. Even watching one of their greatest running backs Reggie Bush, you wouldn't say he's Marshawn BeastMode, Reggie was flashy, leaping and throwing his body in the air like a Jaguar, not a wolf. Sumlin's offensive ideas would turn USC into Jason Bourne, a highly skilled super assassin who doesn't know how they got their powers.
But what would this mean for the John John? I think it would make Saturdays next year way more intricate. You would have a Junior Johnny trying to mix it up with a new coach fighting their way through the Confederacy in the south and on the west, Sumlin and his Aircraft Carrier dog fighting with the growing fleets of the Pac-12.
What if Manziel came with Sumlin to USC? Ohhhhhh...Johnny Trojan!?!?
-Socks O'Sand


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