Mater Dei Claims Mountain

Mater Dei Claims Mountain
One of the most anticipated California high school games of the year went down at Angels Stadium in the celebratory fashion it deserved. Some of the greatest things that football offers high school students are structure, family and discipline. But there's One thing that we all know is the most important and yet we want to ignore: the sweet taste of claiming that Number One Spot..Luda...haha.
Once again the Mater Dei Defensive Army attacked the Servite Quarterback like it was the beaches of Normandy spreading freedom. Props to Servite QB Travis Waller; the kid took six knockout sacs and probably even more hits and still pulled his team within seven with four minutes left in the game.
But this time the Dog Fighters sent the full fleet: AIR RAID! The Mater Dei Offense made a statement against Servite putting up 21 points before Servite could blink. But what they really showed the 11,000 Mater Dei fans and their Mater Dei Defense counterpart, was that they could be trusted and relied on too. With 4 minutes left in the game and up by just One touchdown, the Mater Dei Offense controlled possession, never allowing Servite to touch the ball again and solidifying the victory.
Storybook win for the Monarchs.
***Couch Sesh is experimenting with something new! After every post Couch Sesh will post a Charity, Foundation, or Fundraiser in need that relates to that post and hopefully if you enjoy the article you will help said Charity with a small donation. !COUCH SESH DOES NOT TAKE DONATIONS! The information on how to donate to that charity will be posted. It's always good to give!
This Posts Fundraiser is:
Santa Monica Vikings need donations to send their football team to a Thanksgiving Tournament. We all know how important sports are to less fortunate kids. They only need 2000 dollars, which is nothing, so hopefully this can get the final push or even help them more than that. Donate! It's for Kids, damn it! Haha.
E-mail the below information to: or to donate. They aren't going to steal your money; I promise.

Every season we sponsor many players whose families are unable to meet the cost of registration and uniform fees.  In order to be able to continue providing scholarships and equipment for our players we rely heavily on parent and corporate donations to the Santa Monica Viking league.  We also need extra funds to pay for game films, practice equipment upgrades, coach’s safety education seminars, referees, field permits, and many other incidentals that come up through out the season. This year, we would like to have 100% participation from all of our families to help fund our ongoing scholarship program and to be able to better provide better and safer new equipment and/or refurbish our used. 
Please only give whatever you can comfortably contribute. Whether it's $10, $100 or $1,000, your donation demonstrates your support for our youth football program. Every donation gets us closer to our goal of 100% family participation. Contact Faith A. Foss with any questions. She may be reached at or by cell phone at (310)486-4323.
We are a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Tax ID # 91-2151991
Address:____________________________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________________________
Phone ________________________________ EMAIL__________________________________________________________________
Donation Amount: $___________________________
Contribution will be made by:
CHECK ENCLOSED FOR $_______________________________payable to: SMYFC
CREDIT CARD for $______________________________ Visa / MC / AmEx (please circle card type)
Credit Card #:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Name as it appears on credit card:___________________________________________________________________
Expires:_____/_____ Billing Zip:____________ Signature (required):___________________________________


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