Krafft Deaner
Having a Chew and a Sesh on the ol' pull out, rocking full sweat suits in the frozen tundra of our Vermont college, me and the boys always had to find ways to keep ourselves entertained between hockey praky and class. When you play a team sport at a small university in the heart of the god damn wilderness with no cash, sometimes the middle of February makes you feel like a member of the fucking Night's Watch. The depression is a real sum, buddy after you wake up to zero degree weather for the millionth time. You can only blackout, piss yourself, fight your roommate, vomit on the side of the car, fall asleep in the fast food drive through and rip your car in half on a telephone pole so many times before you need to find something else. (I don't drink anymore, it's for the better haha.)
Then we found FUBAR!
99% of people I know who have seen the movie Fubar have the same story: I watched it with my boys or my girls on the (Fill in the Blank) team. This movie has a funny way of really bringing the group together. The cult following can quote the 100's of lines that come out of the mouths of its two main characters, Terry and Dean (Deaner). From "Tron Funking Blow" to "Turn down the suck knob Farrell", you can't help but love how ridiculous and genius these two beauties are. And as we watched Fubar over and over again memorizing our favorite parts, never in my life would I have thought that six years later I would get to interview the one and only Deaner.
And he didn't disappoint:
Deaner, what is the title of your new book and what's in it?
"Title is Just Give'r - A Handguide to Givine'r"Deaner just came out with a book called "Just Giver" filled with hilarious drawing and stories following his life. You're going to want to buy this book. (Find the book here:
What's Tron doing now haha?
"Fuck Tron. He's probably diddling twats right now for crack money."
What was it like for you when the movie gained this giant cult following?
"I don't really have to pay for drinks no more, and I've signed more titties then I ever thought I'd see in my lifetime. It's also made me a better human being because now I don't have to steal from little kids to pay for bass strings."
"I don't really have to pay for drinks no more, and I've signed more titties then I ever thought I'd see in my lifetime. It's also made me a better human being because now I don't have to steal from little kids to pay for bass strings."
Where do you get the inspiration to write the music for Nightseeker?
"I lie down in a dark basement and blast a concrete cutting saw with my eyes closed. That's pretty much the best way to get outside your head and into the place where merlin and music collide."
"I lie down in a dark basement and blast a concrete cutting saw with my eyes closed. That's pretty much the best way to get outside your head and into the place where merlin and music collide."
What was the inspiration behind the poem "Danger Cat"?
"Women are a force of nature. So are tigers and lions and pumas. So I wanted to write a tune that brought them together. Maybe their claws are inside when you meet the panther, but one day you'll be lookin the other way and they'll rip your flesh just for fun."
"Women are a force of nature. So are tigers and lions and pumas. So I wanted to write a tune that brought them together. Maybe their claws are inside when you meet the panther, but one day you'll be lookin the other way and they'll rip your flesh just for fun."
Have you ever met the guys from Trailer Park Boys?
"I never met 'em but them guys are the east coast version of Fubar. They got everything it takes to party like champs - booze, drugs, skanks, and they don't give a fuck."
"I never met 'em but them guys are the east coast version of Fubar. They got everything it takes to party like champs - booze, drugs, skanks, and they don't give a fuck."
Getting to chat with the Deaner, I felt like one of those kids who dresses up for Comic-Con who gets to meet Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford's pretty badass. Deaner had one last message:
"Merry Christmas by the fuckin way. Don't forget to leave Santo some Doritos."
Sauce Hockey should make a Deaner Shirt. I would buy it.
-Johnny Guns
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