Subscription Savvy

Subscription Savvy
You can now subscribe to Couch Sesh and get all the articles and posts via e-mail.
The goal of Couch Sesh is to find the best Art and create the best Art. Our writers are pushed to create new and different ideas using any and all mediums available.
Writers were revered. To be a writer was cool and interesting. But we are at the beginning of a new Era. Books are getting pushed out. Writers and Authors will soon be forced to find new ways for their art to be influential and Couch Sesh is determined to find that place by demanding our writers to be different and try new things.
The goal is to make writing cool again.
We hope you enjoy the articles as much as we enjoy creating them. This subscription is totally FREE. We will NOT send you ads; We will NOT send you stupid shit that doesn't matter. All you will receive is an e-mail version of all the articles that will be posted.
Couch Sesh is using this tool to try and reach more people, NOT make money or trap people.
Thank you for reading and sharing,
-Johnny Guns


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