A New Voice
Memo - FOR every new generation that comes up through the ranks of civilization in the culture of the United States, there is a challenge when declaring their seat at the table. I could sit here and bore you with example after example of your parents struggle and their parents struggle, but I think what best sums it up is an excerpt from a novel coming out this winter, "To Be Fearless", written by Johnny Guns, and published by new E.C.B. Publishing Ind.
"The other major problem is that in our culture in the United States there are no ways for our youth to matriculate into society as adults. There is no legitimate initiation process like in other cultures. The Maasai in Africa have to kill a lion, the Spartans in Greece had the lone walk and the Aborigines in Australia had the walk about. We have nothing. I believe we, the youth of today, have this innate desire to show the world that we are strong, but how do we prove our strength physically and mentally? Our grandfathers fought in the World Wars while our grandmothers worked in the factories. Most of them experienced extreme racial prejudice, poverty, immigration, and death. They lived through a national depression. They worked hard for very little. They cherished and respected the idea of family. And they never complained. Our parents were raised with a strong religious moral code and a firm hand to enforce the rules. Their parent’s humility easily matriculated into their well-built ethics. Where is our societal validity? Where is our great life changing experience? So many of us turn to drugs, alcohol, fighting, athletic or academic greatness to reach that higher level of understanding because we yearn for something more, our moment to shine, and we don’t know where to find it. "I can drink the most, I can do the most drugs, I have slept with the best looking people, I am the toughest, I am the smartest; I am the best athlete; I am the most popular. This makes me the best." With these singular acts we try to achieve dual outcomes: to experience a higher existence and to parade a fierce will. We are like small children nagging at our parent’s clothes, "Look what I can do?" This is our feeble offering to the elders. But none of this can live up to the strength from where we’ve come. We tear ourselves apart to grab even the slightest bit of clout, when all the while we just want somebody to tell us that we are ok, that we are good enough, that we are loved, as equals. Still, we are the generation of Blacksheep. Our character will always be questioned." - Johnny Guns
As with any generation of people in any society, we see this uneasiness and exciting challenge bleed itself through the arts. Movies, writings, paintings, pictures, music, and yes, even Dance Dance are what sooth these growing pains for their creators and the masses they are made for.
We are starting to feel this Tylenol kick for our generation. As younger authors begin to be considered and musicians with a YouTube reach become tech savvy, I have on tap (as I'm sure you do) a laundry list of websites I go to for new material to consume and enjoy that relates to my interests. How much music, writing, Videos (both funny and interesting), Visual Memes and Artwork can one human consume until they are satisfied? INFINITY AMOUNT! That's how much.
Our generation wasn't born as individuals, we were born with a Twin we didn't know we had; The Computer. And growing up with this Twin, it has pushed our brains to know more faster.
And I like it.
One Hub I check in with regularly for New Music, Movies, and Artwork, is the website, "The Art Of Theft". The Art Of Theft shares with us good and interesting material through the filter of our generation; Lo-Fi on Insta haha. I follow this website in my favorites and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/theartoftheft and every time I go back I always find something that entertains me and/or makes my day better somehow. Check it out here: http://theartoftheft.com/
All this whining about generational unfairness is really silly against the backdrop of the reality that people in many many other countries and even our own are dying and fighting everyday to make sure we have the opportunity to bitch about our oatmeal. (I mean they've made it Instant now; how much more can we complain!? Buuuuuut, the fruit chunks aren't organic... ha ha.)
It really all comes down to the Hunter S. Thompson quote I was reminded of when I went on The Art Of Theft Website:

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